Austin-Healey Club of America
The North American umbrella club made up of regional, state, and provincial clubs from the United States and Canada as well as international members; its major annual event is the Conclave; publishes magazine Healey Marque; produces calendar and membership listing.
Austin-Healey Club USA
Originally known as the Austin-Healey Club, Pacific Centre this club has members from around the world. It is known for its great web site, Austin-Healey Magazine, and annual event Healey Rendezvous.
Quebec Austin-Healey Club
Another Canadian chapter of AHCA and home club of AHCA's current President. Try using your browser's translate feature if you can't read French :-)
British Car Club of Manitoba
Formerly known as the Triumph Driver's Club of Manitoba. A diverse collection of British marques round out this merry band of LBC drivers.
Thunder Bay Vintage Sports Car Club At the Head of the Great Lakes in North Western Ontario, an interesting cross section of British marques including a Healey or two; and other fine European cars live in harmony with the Sleeping Giant!
InterMarque The central gathering place for more than 40 foreign car clubs from across the Upper Midwest.