Austin-Healey Club of Manitoba

Who We Are

The Austin-Healey Club of Manitoba is dedicated to the maintenance, preservation and enjoyment of Healey and Austin-Healey automobiles. We are a non-profit organization established in 1989 and currently made up of approximately 60 members and 30 Austin-Healey automobiles.

Membership to our Club involves anyone interested in Healey and Austin-Healey vehicles. Ownership of an Austin-Healey is not a prerequisite to membership in our club. A number of our members do not own an Austin-Healey, but none-the-less are Austin-Healey and British sports car enthusiasts. We all share the desire to enjoy our LBCs (Little British Cars) to the fullest in the company of one another.

In 1997 our club became an area club of the Austin-Healey Club of America (AHCA). The AHCA includes almost 3000 members throughout North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. AHCA publishes the magazine Healey Marque, a membership listing booklet, and a photo calendar, as well as sponsors an international Austin-Healey car meet known as the Conclave

What We Do

Our club meets on a monthly basis at a different member's home. Currently we are testing out meeting on the first Sunday afternoon of the month (vs. first Monday evening of the month). Please check the Calendar for the next meeting and other events.

In addition to the monthly meetings and regular breakfast runs between May and September, the Austin-Healey Club of Manitoba offers the following:

    - Healey Happenings a monthly newsletter
    - Tech Sessions, Rallyes, Show and Shines, and Driving Tours within the Province and beyond
    - Club Regalia
    - Network for new and used parts as well as advice
    - Christmas Party
    - Events with other British Car enthusiasts in our region including the Annual Vintage Sports Car Rendezvous and
    - this web site!


Membership to the Austin-Healey Club of Manitoba is $25 per year. Our club is open to all British Car Enthusiasts. If you are interested in more information about Austin-Healey's or our club, please contact one of the members listed on the Executive page. Click on Membership Form to join.

If you also want to join the AHCA for an additional $70 USD, please contact our Membership officer for more info.